(Last modified 20/12/2023.)

At the time of writing, using thegreenhousestalbans.org will not store any cookies on your web browser, and we will not collect any personal information of yours while browsing the site.

Mailing list

If you choose to sign up to any of our mailing lists (Newsletter, Volunteering, etc.), your name and email address will be collected and securely stored by our e-mail service, MailerLite, for the exclusive purpose of sending you emails about those topics. These addresses will be stored for as long as the Hub remains active. You can choose to unsubscribe from this list at any time, either by clicking the ‘Unsubscribe’ button at the bottom of every email, or by asking us via the Contact Us form.

If you have any other concerns or requests regarding your data, please contact us using the Contact Us form.