What is The Green House?

The Green House is a community project that aims to promote sustainability, protect biodiversity and reduce the carbon footprint in the St Albans district.

With an eco-hub in the heart of the city, we offer people a place to collaborate and connect and to learn about ways to lead happier, healthier and greener lives. Why not visit our eco library, drop off some hard to recycle items such as blister packs and printer cartridges and pick up some wildlife friendly seeds for your garden or windowsill?

Move the photo on the left to see the space. 

How can I get involved?

The Green House would also love to hear from anyone interested in volunteering with them. Roles and responsibilities are very varied and it is possible to volunteer for as little as 2 hours a month. 

Please do get in touch by emailing volunteer@thegreenhousestalbans.org Looking forward to hearing from you!

Where to find us

The Green House is situated above Jefferson Eco at 46, London Road, St Albans.

Opening Times
Pop in anytime from 10 to 5.30 daily (11 – 5 on Sundays) to take a look at our latest displays and drop off your recycling or choose a book from our eco library. 

If you would like to find out more about how to live sustainably, you can usually chat to one of our volunteers on Mondays to Saturdays between 11 am and 3 pm. Alternatively, please send us a message and we will arrange a time to meet. 

What you'll find at The Green House

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